Things to do on a long flight

8 Things to Do on a Long Flight

When you’re buckled in for the long haul, it can feel like time just drags on. However, a lengthy flight doesn’t have to be a tedious affair. With a little preparation, those hours in the air can be transformed into a productive, entertaining, or relaxing experience.

From diving into the latest bestseller to mapping out your adventure upon landing, there’s no shortage of things to do on a long flight. Let’s explore the top 10 ways to keep yourself engaged and make the most out of your journey above the clouds.

Dive Into a Good Book

Immersing yourself in literature offers a unique form of escapism, particularly when you’re suspended between the clouds on a lengthy flight. Whether it’s the latest mystery that has everyone talking, a classic novel you’ve been meaning to tackle, or a personal development book to inspire your next big move, the uninterrupted hours ahead present the perfect backdrop for reading.

An engrossing story has the power to transport you to another world, making the passing hours feel like mere minutes. For convenience, an e-reader loaded with a selection of titles offers endless options at your fingertips, ensuring you never run out of material. Meanwhile, those cherished paperbacks provide a tangible comfort that many readers still prefer.

Regardless of format, dedicating time to reading on your flight can enhance your journey, turning what could be idle time into an enriching experience. Remember to adjust the overhead light or use a clip-on book light to keep the strain off your eyes, allowing for a more enjoyable reading session as you glide through the skies.

Listen to a Podcast

Podcasts offer an unparalleled opportunity to dive deep into a world of stories, learnings, and conversations, all while keeping your hands free and your eyes rested. With a vast array of genres available, from gripping mysteries and insightful educational series to heartwarming interviews with personalities you admire, there’s a podcast for every interest.

Before you board your flight, make sure to download a variety of episodes to ensure you have plenty of content for your journey. This way, you can seamlessly switch between topics as your mood changes, without worrying about internet connectivity.

Plugging in your headphones and letting the voices and stories of the podcast world envelop you can transform your flight experience, making the hours pass by in what feels like minutes. This hands-off entertainment option is not only convenient but also a fantastic way to engage your mind and perhaps even discover a new favorite podcast along the way.

Binge-Watch a New Series

Taking advantage of the in-flight entertainment system or pre-downloaded content on your device allows for an immersive binge-watching experience that’s sure to make your long flight feel significantly shorter. Choosing a new TV series to dive into can quickly turn hours into what feels like minutes as you’re drawn into the lives of characters and intricacies of plot twists.

Many airlines provide a selection of current shows and blockbuster movies, but preparing ahead by downloading your chosen series ensures you’re not at the mercy of the airline’s offerings. Whether it’s a critically acclaimed drama, a light-hearted comedy, or a thrilling documentary series, losing yourself in a story is an excellent way to pass the time.

This distraction is not just entertaining; it’s a way to disconnect from the reality of being thousands of feet in the air and instead, find yourself engrossed in a narrative that captivates from takeoff to touchdown. Ensure your device is fully charged or that you’re seated near a power outlet to maintain the marathon, and don’t forget noise-cancelling headphones for the ultimate viewing experience.

Get Some Work Done

Turning a long flight into a makeshift office can surprisingly boost your productivity levels. The unique setting, free from the usual day-to-day interruptions, presents a prime opportunity to tackle tasks with renewed focus.

Dive into unfinished reports, brainstorm upcoming projects, or organize your inbox. Before boarding, ensure all necessary files are accessible offline and your electronic devices are loaded with any essential software or documents. It’s wise to bring along a portable charger or confirm your seat is equipped with a power source to keep your gadgets running smoothly throughout the flight.

Embracing the opportunity to work amidst the clouds not only capitalizes on what would otherwise be idle time but also potentially clears up your schedule for more leisurely activities once you land. To maximize efficiency, create a to-do list of achievable goals for the duration of your flight; this structured approach will help keep you on track and make the time spent working feel even more productive.

Play Some Games

Delving into the world of games can be an incredibly fun and absorbing way to spend time on a long flight. Whether it’s the challenge of a strategic video game or the simplicity of puzzle-solving, gaming offers a variety of experiences to suit any preference.

If you’re flying solo, consider pre-loading your smartphone or tablet with your favorite games or exploring new ones that can keep you engaged for hours. For those who lean towards a more tactile experience, bringing along a travel-sized puzzle or a set of playing cards can offer a change of pace and a chance to stretch your brain in different ways.

Collaborative games are also an excellent choice if you’re traveling with friends or family, creating an opportunity for shared fun and making memories at 30,000 feet. Remember, the aim is to find joy and amusement in the journey, turning what could be monotonous hours into moments of play and enjoyment. Keep your game choices varied and ensure your devices are charged up for the long haul to make the most out of your gaming experience in the skies.

Plan Your Itinerary

Taking advantage of the quiet and uninterrupted time on a long flight provides an excellent opportunity to meticulously plan out your upcoming adventure. This is the moment to dive deep into the details of your trip, from pinpointing landmarks you’re eager to explore to discovering hidden gems that could make your experience even more memorable.

With a wealth of travel apps and offline city guides available, you can curate a personalized itinerary right from your seat. Consider allocating specific days for certain activities, taking into account the location of your accommodations and potential travel times between destinations. This proactive planning not only fuels your excitement for what lies ahead but also streamlines your journey, allowing for a seamless transition from the plane to exploring your destination.

Utilizing this time effectively can ensure you maximize your travels, leaving no stone unturned and no must-see sight unseen. So, grab your notebook or device, and start crafting an itinerary that will make your trip unforgettable.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

A long flight presents a unique opportunity to focus on relaxation and mental well-being. Engaging in mindfulness practices can significantly reduce any discomfort or anxiety associated with air travel.

Meditation apps or guided breathing exercises, easily accessible on your device, can lead you through calming routines designed to relax your mind and body. Consider downloading a few sessions before your flight to ensure they’re available in offline mode.

Gentle stretching in your seat or taking short walks down the aisle when it’s safe to do so can also help in alleviating physical stress and improving circulation. For a deeper sense of relaxation, listen to soothing music or ambient sounds through headphones, creating your personal oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of the cabin.

These practices not only aid in making your journey more peaceful but also prepare you to arrive at your destination refreshed and ready to explore. Engaging in relaxation techniques is an invaluable tool for transforming your long-haul flight into a moment of serene reprieve from the world below.

Take Care of Your Skin

Air travel is notoriously tough on your complexion, leaving your skin feeling parched and dehydrated after hours spent in the cabin’s dry environment. Why not use this time to pamper yourself a little and keep your skin feeling refreshed and moisturized?

Packing a small skincare kit with essentials such as a hydrating face mist, a rich moisturizer, and a nourishing lip balm can work wonders in maintaining your skin’s hydration levels throughout the flight. For an added touch of luxury, consider applying a hydrating sheet mask midway through the journey – it’s a great way to give your skin a deep moisturizing treatment and can be a relaxing way to pass the time.

Regularly applying hand cream can also prevent your hands from drying out due to the cabin air. This mini in-flight spa session not only helps you look and feel better upon landing but also turns what could be mundane hours into an opportunity for self-care and rejuvenation.

Remember to drink plenty of water as well, as internal hydration is just as important for maintaining healthy skin. By the time you touch down, you’ll be glowing and ready to begin your adventure with your best face forward.